The Movement

In today's society, the prominent problem amongst the world vs. disabled children is not necessarily how they are treated, but how they are viewed. 

Some consider those with disabilities or chronic illnesses to be fragile, weak, and less of a person. They are viewed as damaged or broken, in need of pitying or fixing. 

This is not true.

Throughout my time observing other children in hospitals, I've noticed some incredible things. Yes, some children require assistance in various ways. Yes, some of them lack the ability to do activities that normal people can do. But they don't need fixing. They simply need helping. You can't fix something that's not broken, and children with disabilities are not broken. They are simply different. 

Though they have a wide variety of challenges and trials, all children with these illnesses and disabilities have one common factor: their capacity to love unconditionally. These children love everyone without exception, no matter the circumstance of any person, because they understand what it's like to be different. These children are kind on a daily basis to those around them. It amazes me to see the extraordinary, endless love that these children give freely to everyone around them.

That is the true goal of the Love Unconditional Project: to spread the type of love that these children have, and to spread it through acts of kindness. 

You can help us to spread this movement by posting your stories of unconditional love or kindness, whether you've given it or it's been given to you, to the hashtag #loveunconditionalproject

Everyone deserves to be loved unconditionally. Let's get going and spread the love. 

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